


  1. (used in introducing a subordinate clause, which is often marked by ellipsis) notwithstanding that; in spite of the fact that; although: Though he tried very hard, he failed the course.
  2. even if; granting that (often preceded by even).


  1. for all that; however.


  1. as though, as if: It seems as though the place is deserted.

conjunction (subordinating)

  1. (sometimes preceded by even) despite the fact thatthough he tries hard, he always fails; poor though she is, her life is happy
  2. as though as ifhe looked as though he’d seen a ghost


  1. nevertheless; howeverhe can’t dance: he sings well, though

c.1200, from Old English þeah, and in part from Old Norse þo “though,” both from Proto-Germanic *thaukh (cf. Gothic þauh, Old Frisian thach, Middle Dutch, Dutch doch, Old High German doh, German doch), from PIE demonstrative pronoun *to- (see that). The evolution of the terminal sound did not follow laugh, tough, etc., though a tendency to end the word in “f” existed c.1300-1750 and persists in dialects. see as if (though).

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