tidal wave

tidal wave


  1. (not in technical use) a large, destructive ocean wave, produced by a seaquake, hurricane, or strong wind.Compare tsunami.
  2. either of the two great wavelike swellings of the ocean surface that move around the earth on opposite sides and give rise to tide, caused by the attraction of the moon and sun.
  3. any widespread or powerful movement, opinion, or tendency: a tidal wave of public indignation.


  1. a name (not accepted in technical usage) for tsunami
  2. an unusually large incoming wave, often caused by high winds and spring tides
  3. a forceful and widespread movement in public opinion, action, etc

  1. Either of the two swells or crests of surface ocean water created by the gravitational effects of the Moon and Sun and circling the globe on opposite sides to create the daily periods of high and low tides. Also called tidal bulge
  2. An unusual rise in the level of water along a seacoast, as from a storm or a combination of wind and tide. Also called storm surge
  3. A tsunami.
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