

tramontane [truh-mon-teyn, tram-uh n-teyn] ExamplesWord Origin adjective Also transmontane.

  1. being or situated beyond the mountains.
  2. beyond the Alps as viewed from Italy; transalpine.
  3. of, relating to, or coming from the other side of the mountains.
  4. foreign; barbarous.


  1. a person who lives beyond the mountains: formerly applied by the Italians to the peoples beyond the Alps, and by the latter to the Italians.
  2. a foreigner; outlander; barbarian.
  3. a violent, polar wind from the northwest that blows in southern France.

Origin of tramontane 1300–50 for an earlier sense; 1585–95 for def 5; Middle English tramountayne pole star Italian tramontano Latin trānsmontānus beyond the mountains. See trans-, mount2, -an tramontana [trah-muh n-tah-nuh, -tan-uh; Italian trah-mawn-tah-nah] noun, plural tra·mon·ta·nas, Italian tra·mon·ta·ne [trah-mawn-tah-ne] /ˌtrɑ mɔnˈtɑ nɛ/.

  1. a cold wind from the north or northeast that blows in the western Mediterranean.
  2. any north wind issuing from a mountainous region.

Origin of tramontana 1605–15; Italian, noun use of feminine of tramontano tramontane Examples from the Web for tramontane Historical Examples of tramontane

  • One sort is that which people carry into those (Tramontane) countries.

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  • The original tower fell two centuries ago during an extra violent blow of the tramontane.

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    Francis Miltoun

  • Spotswood instituted the Tramontane Order for this purpose; but it appears to have soon fallen through.

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    Charles Campbell

  • He also failed in an effort to obtain from the government compensation for his companions in the Tramontane exploration.

    History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia

    Charles Campbell

  • The inhabitants of tramontane Virginia are very imperfectly acquainted with its history.

    History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia

    Charles Campbell

  • British Dictionary definitions for tramontane tramontane adjective Also: transmontane

    1. being or coming from the far side of the mountains, esp from the other side of the Alps as seen from Italy
    2. foreign or barbarous
    3. (of a wind) blowing down from the mountains


    1. an inhabitant of a tramontane country
    2. Also called: tramontana a cold dry wind blowing south or southwest from the mountains in Italy and the W Mediterranean
    3. rare a foreigner or barbarian

    Word Origin for tramontane C16: from Italian tramontano, from Latin trānsmontānus, from trans- + montānus, from mōns mountain

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