


  1. Also vernier scale. a small, movable, graduated scale running parallel to the fixed graduated scale of a sextant, theodolite, barometer, etc., and used for measuring a fractional part of one of the divisions of the fixed scale.
  2. Machinery. an auxiliary device for giving a piece of apparatus a higher adjustment accuracy.


  1. equipped with a vernier: a vernier barometer.


  1. Pierre [pyer] /pyɛr/, 1580–1637, French mathematician and inventor.


  1. a small movable scale running parallel to the main graduated scale in certain measuring instruments, such as theodolites, used to obtain a fractional reading of one of the divisions on the main scale
  2. an auxiliary device for making a fine adjustment to an instrument, usually by means of a fine screw thread
  3. (modifier) relating to or fitted with a verniera vernier scale; a vernier barometer

1766, device for making precise measurements, from name of inventor, French mathematician Paul Vernier (1580-1637), who described it in a tract published 1631.

  1. French mathematician and maker of scientific instruments, known especially for his invention of an auxiliary scale (named after him) used for obtaining a highly precise reading of a subdivision of an ordinary scale.
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