


  1. of, relating to, or caused by a virus.
  2. pertaining to or involving the spreading of information and opinions about a product or service from person to person, especially on the Internet or in emails: a clever viral ad.See also viral marketing.
  3. becoming very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially through the Internet: the most memorable viral videos; This book is already viral two weeks before its official publication date.
  4. pertaining to a computer virus.
  1. go viral, to spread rapidly via the Internet, email, or other media: Footage of the candidate’s off-color remarks went viral within minutes.


  1. of, relating to, or caused by a virus
  2. (of a video, image, story, etc) spread quickly and widely among internet users via social networking sites, e-mail, etc

“of the nature of, or caused by, a virus,” 1948, see virus.


  1. Of, relating to, or caused by a virus.

Plural viruses

  1. Any of various extremely small, often disease-causing agents consisting of a particle (the virion), containing a segment of RNA or DNA within a protein coat known as a capsid. Viruses are not technically considered living organisms because they are devoid of biological processes (such as metabolism and respiration) and cannot reproduce on their own but require a living cell (of a plant, animal, or bacterium) to make more viruses. Viruses reproduce first either by injecting their genetic material into the host cell or by fully entering the cell and shedding their protein coat. The genetic material may then be incorporated into the cell’s own genome or remain in the cytoplasm. Eventually the viral genes instruct the cell to produce new viruses, which often cause the cell to die upon their exit. Rather than being primordial forms of life, viruses probably evolved from rogue pieces of cellular nucleic acids. The common cold, influenza, chickenpox, smallpox, measles, mumps, yellow fever, hemorrhagic fevers, and some cancers are among the diseases caused by viruses.
  2. Computer Science A computer program that duplicates itself in a manner that is harmful to normal computer use. Most viruses work by attaching themselves to another program. The amount of damage varies; viruses may erase all data or do nothing but reproduce themselves.
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