

wristlock [rist-lok] ExamplesWord Origin noun Wrestling.

  1. a hold in which an opponent’s wrist is grasped and twisted.

Origin of wristlock First recorded in 1920–25; wrist + lock1 Examples from the Web for wristlock Historical Examples of wristlock

  • He took Carrots’ arm in a Japanese wristlock and rushed him across the room.

    Smugglers’ Reef

    John Blaine

  • Jerry, who had caught the wink too, took his shoulders while Scotty kept a wristlock clamped tight.

    Smugglers’ Reef

    John Blaine

  • British Dictionary definitions for wristlock wristlock noun

    1. a wrestling hold in which a wrestler seizes his opponent’s wrist and exerts pressure against the joints of his hand, arm, or shoulder
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