

  1. picocurie; picocuries.

  1. Peace Corps.
  2. personal computer.
  3. player character.
  4. politically correct.
  5. printed circuit.
  6. professional corporation.
  7. pubococcygeus.

  1. plural pcs. piece.
  2. prices.

  1. (in prescriptions) after eating; after meals.

  1. percent.
  2. petty cash.
  3. postal card.
  4. price current.
  5. printed circuit.

  1. Past Commander.
  2. British. Police Constable.
  3. politically correct.
  4. Post Commander.
  5. British. Prince Consort.
  6. British. Privy Council.
  7. professional corporation.

  1. petty cash.
  2. price current.

abbreviation for

  1. per cent
  2. postcard
  3. obsolete (in prescriptions) post cibum
  4. parsec

abbreviation for

  1. personal computer
  2. Parish Council(lor)
  3. Past Commander
  4. (in Britain and Canada) Police Constable
  5. politically correct
  6. Prince Consort
  7. (in Britain and Canada) Privy Council(lor)
  8. (in Canada) Progressive Conservative

abbreviation for

  1. petty cash
  2. price current

abbreviation for personal computer is from 1978; abbreviation for politically correct is by 1990. abbr.

  1. post cibum (after meals)

An abbreviation for “politically correct.” It refers to social, political, and educational changes designed to redress historical injustices in areas such as race, gender, ethnic background, and sexual orientation: “Haven’t you read the latest directive on p.c. language? Please refer to our colleagues as ‘women,’ not ‘ladies’ or ‘girls.’” The phrase and abbreviation, which also appears as PC, both debuted in the late twentieth century. Also, p.c. An abbreviation for politically correct.

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