
[ad_1] noun
  1. the aggregate of qualities, as valor and virtue, making up good character.

noun Physical Geography, Geology.

  1. a sharp rugged mountain ridge, produced by glaciation.


  1. a sharp ridge separating two cirques or glacial valleys in mountainous regions

“sharp crest of a mountain,” 1862, from Swiss French arête, from Latin arista “ear of grain, the top of an ear,” which probably is of Etruscan origin. The figure is of something jagged.


important concept in Greek philosophy, “virtue, excellence,” especially of manly qualities; literally “that which is good.” The comparative form is areion, the superlative is aristos (cf. aristocracy).

  1. A sharp, narrow ridge or spur commonly found above the snow line in mountainous areas that have been sculpted by glaciers. Arêtes form as the result of the continued backward erosion of adjoining cirques.
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