

  1. an incrustation of small crystals on the surface of a rock or mineral.


  1. Islam. a member of an independent religious sect living chiefly in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel, established in the 11th century as a branch of Ismaʿili Shiʿism and containing elements of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and believing in the transmigration of souls and the ultimate perfection of humankind.


  1. an aggregate of small crystals within a cavity, esp those lining a cavity in a rock or mineral
  2. botany a globular mass of calcium oxalate crystals formed around an organic core, found in some plant cells

noun plural Druse or Druze

    1. a member of a religious sect, mainly living in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel, having certain characteristics in common with Muslims
    2. (as modifier)Druse beliefs

member of a Muslim sect centered in Lebanon, 1786, from Arabic duruz, plural of darazi, from name of the sect founder, Ismail ad-Darazi (11c.), literally “Ismail the Tailor.”

n. pl. dru•sen (drōōzən)

  1. One of the small hyaline or colloid bodies sometimes occurring behind the retina of the eye.
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