

noun, plural lin·goes.

  1. the language and speech, especially the jargon, slang, or argot, of a particular field, group, or individual: gamblers’ lingo.
  2. language or speech, especially if strange or foreign.

noun, plural lin·goes.

  1. lingoe.


  1. a metal weight attached to the cords of a Jacquard harness, for lowering the warp threads after they have been raised and for keeping the harness cords taut.
  2. the same object attached to a drawloom.

noun plural -goes

  1. informal any foreign or unfamiliar language, jargon, etc

“foreign speech,” 1650s, possibly a corrupt form of lingua franca (q.v.), or from Provençal lingo “language, tongue,” from Old Provençal lenga, from Latin lingua “tongue” (see lingual).

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