


  1. causing resentful displeasure; highly irritating, angering, or annoying: offensive television commercials.
  2. unpleasant or disagreeable to the sense: an offensive odor.
  3. repugnant to the moral sense, good taste, or the like; insulting: an offensive remark; an offensive joke.
  4. pertaining to offense or attack: the offensive movements of their troops.
  5. characterized by attack; aggressive: offensive warfare.


  1. the position or attitude of aggression or attack: to take the offensive.
  2. an aggressive movement or attack: a carefully planned naval offensive.


  1. unpleasant or disgusting, as to the senses
  2. causing anger or annoyance; insulting
  3. for the purpose of attack rather than defence


  1. the offensive an attitude or position of aggression
  2. an assault, attack, or military initiative, esp a strategic one

adj.“attacking” (1540s), “insulting” (1570s), both from Middle French offensif (16c.) and directly from Medieval Latin offensivus, from Latin offens-, past participle stem of offendere “offend” (see offend). Related: Offensively; offensiveness. n.“condition of attacking, aggressive action,” 1720, from offensive (adj.).

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