


  1. a fine; penalty.
  2. an act of forfeiting; forfeiture.
  3. something to which the right is lost, as for commission of a crime or misdeed, neglect of duty, or violation of a contract.
  4. an article deposited in a game because of a mistake and redeemable by a fine or penalty.
  5. forfeits, (used with a singular verb) a game in which such articles are taken from the players.

verb (used with object)

  1. to subject to seizure as a forfeit.
  2. to lose or become liable to lose, as in consequence of crime, fault, or breach of engagement.


  1. lost or subject to loss by forfeiture.


  1. something lost or given up as a penalty for a fault, mistake, etc
  2. the act of losing or surrendering something in this manner
  3. law something confiscated as a penalty for an offence, breach of contract, etc
  4. (sometimes plural)
    1. a game in which a player has to give up an object, perform a specified action, etc, if he commits a fault
    2. an object so given up


  1. (tr) to lose or be liable to lose in consequence of a mistake, fault, etc
  2. (tr) law
    1. to confiscate as punishment
    2. to surrender (something exacted as a penalty)


  1. surrendered or liable to be surrendered as a penalty

n.c.1300, “misdeed,” from Old French forfait “crime, punishable offense” (12c.), originally past participle of forfaire “transgress,” from for- “outside, beyond” (from Latin foris; see foreign) + faire “to do” (from Latin facere; see factitious). Translating Medieval Latin foris factum. Sense shifted mid-15c. from the crime to the penalty: “something to which the right is lost through a misdeed.” As an adjective from late 14c., from Old French forfait. v.c.1300, “to lose by misconduct;” see forfeit (n.). Related: Forfeited; forfeiting.

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