


  1. a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair: The actor who would play Cyrano must have panache.
  2. an ornamental plume of feathers, tassels, or the like, especially one worn on a helmet or cap.
  3. Architecture. the surface of a pendentive.


  1. a dashing manner; style; swaggerhe rides with panache
  2. a feathered plume on a helmet

n.1550s, “a tuft or plume of feathers,” from Middle French pennache “tuft of feathers,” from Italian pennaccio, from Late Latin pinnaculum “small wing, gable, peak” (see pinnacle). Figurative sense of “display, swagger” first recorded 1898 (in translation of “Cyrano de Bergerac”), from French.

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