


  1. an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance.
  2. Military. a member of a party of light or irregular troops engaged in harassing an enemy, especially a member of a guerrilla band engaged in fighting or sabotage against an occupying army.


  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of partisans; partial to a specific party, person, etc.: partisan politics.
  2. of, relating to, or carried on by military partisans or guerrillas.


  1. an adherent or devotee of a cause, party, etc
    1. a member of an armed resistance group within occupied territory, esp in Italy or the Balkans in World War II
    2. (as modifier)partisan forces


  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of a partisan
  2. relating to or excessively devoted to one party, faction, etc; one-sidedpartisan control


  1. a spear or pike with two opposing axe blades or spikes

n.1831, from partisan + -ship. adj.1708 for warfare, 1842 for politics, from partisan (n.). n.also partizan, 1550s, “one who takes part with another, zealous supporter,” from Middle French partisan (15c.), from dialectal upper Italian partezan (Tuscan partigiano) “member of a faction, partner,” from parte “part, party,” from Latin partem (nominative pars), see part (n.). Sense of “guerilla fighter” is first recorded 1690s.

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